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Welcome to the Canadian National Centre for SI

Supplemental Instruction in Canada

Welcome to Canadian SI! We are a community of practice for professional and student staff who facilitate Supplemental Instruction programs at colleges and universities across Canada.

What is the Supplemental Instruction model? 

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a non-remedial approach to learning that supports students toward academic success by integrating “what to learn” with “how to learn.” SI consists of regularly scheduled, voluntary, out-of-class group study sessions driven by students’ needs. Sessions are facilitated by trained peer leaders who utilize collaborative activities to ensure peer-to-peer interaction in small groups. SI is implemented in high-risk courses in consultation with academic staff and is supported and evaluated by a trained supervisor. SI programs in Canada go by various names, including Peer-Assisted Study Sessions (PASS), Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL), Supported Learning Groups (SLGs), Facilitated Study Groups (FSGs), and Supplemental Learning (SL). For more information about the SI model, please visit the International Center for Supplemental Instruction website. 

What is Canadian SI?

Since 2008, the University of Guelph has provided resources in Canada in support of SI and facilitated cooperation and sharing of information among Canadian schools using the SI model. We train SI supervisors, support professional development and scholarship, and share free, open, accessible resources. We work with the International Center for SI and regional centres in South Africa, Australasia, Europe to share information & innovations in the field, organize the International Conference on Supplemental Instruction, and collaborate on projects.